Marathon Runner's Story
Professional Marathon Runner
"With Aloe Vera Canada®'s help,
I feel good about myself. And
when I feel good about myself,
I run better."
- 2009 HSBC Calgary, Alberta Marathon Winner (Time: 2:30:15)
- IAAF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS BERLIN 2009 - Representing Serbia
- WORLD MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2009, LAHTI, Finland - 07.28.2009
- Mississauga Marathon 2007 Winner (Time: 2:23:16)
- Oakville Half-Marathon Winner (2007, 2008)
- 5th Leading Canadian Marathoner in 2007
- Two time “Toronto Half-marathon” Winner (2005-2006)
my aloe vera story
My name is Predrag Mladenovic and I am a professional Marathon Runner. I was born in a small town of Sabac near the capital city of Belgrade, Serbia. In my early sporting days I played in a local handball club as a goalkeeper. At the age of 15 inspired by the Serbian middle distance legend Dragan Zdravkovic and the Italian 5k and 10k European gold medalist Salvatore Antibo (Gold Medalist European championships 1990) I became a runner.
I remember being seeded in the top three for the country. My first major win was at the Junior National Cup in 1991 for the 5k and 3k steeple. I still remember that day, it was the turning point in my life. I work hard. I run. I train. I practice a lot. I have always struggled with exhaustion and fatigue. Not being able to give my full output. I was in desparate search to find an all-natural solution to my daily struggles. Something that would maintain my energy levels while keeping me vital, healthy and strong. If I’m worrying about my exhaustion I can’t run my best. Having these kinds of problems when you are in the spotlight is very hard because everyone expects from you to win races. “Imagine running at the “World Athletic Championships” where millions of people are watching you. Am I gonna let someone else win or will I give up just because I can’t take it anymore? Isn’t there something I could do about it?” I went to nutritionists, doctors tried many different products out there you name it nothing seemed to help my problem. I was ready to give up. Then a friend of mine told me about Aloe Vera Canada and their products. I immediately gave it a try and in a month’s time I noticed a difference. Aloe Vera Canada has definitely given me a piece of mind. I don’t have to worry about my problems anymore. All I have to focus on is my running. It helped me prevent my exhaustions, and it keeps me healthy and vital. But I want more then just prevention, I want perfection. And that’s what I love about Aloe Vera Canada products.
Because Aloe Vera juice has:
12 vitamins
17 minerals
19 amino acids
Please, take a look at what Modern Science is researching about Aloe Vera just scratching on the surface of wisdom of Ancients
Learn why Ancients called AV:
Plant of Immortality
Elixir of Longevity
Harmonic Remedy
the Silent Healer

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Bee Pollen is IDEAL FOOD-
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Modern Science started
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wisdom of Ancients

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